Yall. I was watching PitchforkTelevision/CurrentTV/VBS/yewtewb, and I saw this ad that was encouraging alternative males to give their lives' for the electro War. Are yall gonna enlist?
"I Thank God I'm a Soldier"
I'm not sure if I agree with the way that this advertisement glorifies WAR. The ElectroWar is not going to be fun, games, and tecktonic dancing. People are gonna die. When it's all said and done, most of the world will be iPodless.
I wish people could see that ElectroWar soldiers are often unfortunate upper middle class males who will not be able to fulfill their parents expectations. After brief stints at art colleges, most electroWar soldiers are just searching for meaning by staring at death in the eye. They are victims of class, yall. Kinda like how poor minorities have 2 go 2 Iraq/Afghanny since they dropped out of HS but still want to learn technical computer skills and be in bad ass commercials with jets and cool stuff like weapons.